23. Dustin Harper, A. Lam, D. Penman, J. Frieling, N. Varela, S. Chatterjee. The Value of Scientific Ocean Drilling for Early
Career Researchers. Nature Geoscience.
22. Carlos Alvarez Zarikian, S. Yager, M. Christopoulou, N. Varela, V. Clementi, and D. Harper, 2024. Data Report: X-ray
fluorescence scanning of Site U1574, Vøring Plateau, IODP Expedition 396. https://doi:10.14379/iodp.proc.396.201.2024
Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program.
21. Bärbel Hönisch, C. Witkowski, D. Penman, D. Harper, M. Henehan, P. Polissar, 2024. Paleo-atmospheric CO2
reconstructions from deep-ocean sediments. PAGES magazine.
20. Dustin Harper, B. Hönisch, G. Bowen, R. Zeebe, L. Haynes, D. Penman, and J. Zachos, 2024. Long- and short-term
coupling of sea surface temperature and atmospheric CO2 during the late Paleocene and early Eocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
19. Ashley Morris, S. Lambart, M. Stearns, J. Bowman, M. Jones, G. Mohn, G. Andrews, J. Millet, C. Tegner, S. Chatterjee, J.
Frieling, P. Guo, D. Jolley, E. Cunningham, C. Berndt, S. Planke, C. Alvarez Zarikian, P. Betlem, H. Brinkhuis, M.
Christopoulou, E. Ferrè, I. Filina, D. Harper, J. Longman, R. Scherer, N. Varela, W. Xu, S. Yager, A. Agarwal, and V.
Clementi, 2024. Evidence for Low-Pressure Crustal Anatexis During the Northeast Atlantic Break-up. 2023GC011413. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
18. Madeleine Vickers, M. Jones, J. Longman, C. Ullman, M. Vickers, J. Frieling, D. Harper, V. Clementi, S. Planke, and the
IODP Expedition 396 Science Party, 2024. Paleocene-Eocene age glendonites from the Norwegian Margin – Indicators of
cold snaps in the hothouse? Climate of the Past.
17. CenCO2PIP Consortium, 2023. Towards a Cenozoic history of atmospheric CO2,
16. Christian Berndt, S. Planke, C.A. Zarikian, J. Frieling, J. Millett, M. Jones, H. Brinkhuis, S. Bünz, H. Svensen, J.
Longman, R. Scherer, J. Karstens, B. Manton, R. Huismans, J. Faleide, A. Agarwal, G. Andrews, P. Betlem, J.
Bhattacharya, S. Chatterjee, M. Christopoulou, V. Clementi, E. Ferré, I. Filina, P. Guo, D. Harper, S. Lambart, G. Mohn,
R. Nakaoka, C. Tegner, N. Varela, M. Wang, W. Xu, and S. Yager, 2023. Shallow-marine hydrothermal venting linked to
Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum, Nature Geoscience.
15. Joji Uchikawa, D. Penman, D. Harper, J. Farmer, J. Zachos, N. Planavsky, and R. Zeebe, 2023. Sulfate and phosphate
oxyanions alter B/Ca and δ11B in inorganic calcite at constant pH: Crystallographic controls over normal kinetic effects, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
14. Wanda Stratford, R. Sutherland, G. Dickens, P. Blum, J. Collot, M. Gurnis, S. Saito, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, G. Asatryan,
A. Bordenave, J. Bhattacharya, L. Change, M. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. Drake, S. Etienne, M. Giorgioni, D. Harper,
H. Huang, A. Keller, A. Lam, H. Li, H. Matsui, H. Morgans, C. Newsam, Y. Park, K. Pascher, S. Pekar, D. Penman, T.
Westerhold, and X. Zhou, 2022. Timing of Eocene compressional plate failure during subduction initiation, northern
Zealandia, southwestern Pacific, Geophysical Journal International.
13. Rupert Sutherland, Z. Dos Santos, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, A. Lam, T. Westerhold, M. Drake, D. Harper, E. Dallanave, C.
Newsam, M. Cramwinckel, G. Dickens, J. Collot, S. Etienne, A. Bordenave, W. Stratford, X. Zhou, H. Li, G. Asatryan,
2022. Neogene mass accumulation rate of carbonate sediment in the Tasman Sea, southwest Pacific, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.
12. Dustin Harper, M. Suarez, J. Uglesich, H. You, D. Li, P. Dodson, 2021. Aptian-Albian clumped isotopes from northwest
China: Cool temperatures, variable atmospheric pCO2 and regional shifts in the hydrologic cycle, Climate of the Past.
11. Laia Alegret, D. Harper, C. Agnini, C. Newsam, T. Westerhold, M. Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, G. Dickens, R.
Sutherland, 2021. Biotic Response to Early Eocene Warming Events: Integrated Record from Offshore Zealandia, North
Tasman Sea, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.
10. Gabriella Kitch, A. Jacobson, D. Harper, M. Hurtgen, B. Sageman, J. Zachos, 2021. Calcium isotope composition of
Morozovella velascoensis over the late Paleocene-early Eocene, Geology.
9. Marlow Cramwinckel, H. Coxall, K. Śliwińska, M. Polling, D. Harper, P. Bijl, H. Brinkhuis, J. Eldrett, A. Houben, F.
Peterse, S. Schouten, G.J. Reichart, J. Zachos, A. Sluijs, 2020. A warm, stratified, and restricted Labrador Sea across the
middle Eocene and its Climatic Optimum, Paleoceanography and
8. Timothy Bralower, J. Cosmidis, P. Heaney, L. Kump, J. Morgan, D. Harper, S. Lyons, K. Freeman, K. Grice, J. Wendler,
J. Zachos, N. Artimieva, S. Chen, S. Gulick, C. House, H. Jones, C. Lowery, C. Nims, B. Schaefer, E. Thomas, V. Vajda,
2020. Global microbial blooms during the immediate aftermath of the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary impact, Earth Planet. Sci Lett.
7. James Barnet, D. Harper, L. LeVay, K. Edgar, M. Henehan, T. Babila, C. Ullmann, M. Leng, D. Kroon, J. Zachos, K.
Littler, 2020. Coupled evolution of temperature and carbonate chemistry during the Paleocene–Eocene; new trace element
records from the low latitude Indian Ocean, Earth Planet. Sci Lett.
6. Rupert Sutherland, G. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, L Chang, J, Collot, M.
Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. Drake, S. Etienne, G. Martino, M. Gurnis, D. Harper, H. Huang, A. Keller, A. Lam, H. Li,
H. Matsui, C. Newsam, Y. Park, K. Pascher, S. Pekar, D. Penman, S. Satio, W. Stratford, T. Westerhold, X. Zhou, 2020.
Continental scale of geographic change across Zealandia during subduction zone initiation, Geology.
5. Dustin Harper, B. Hönisch, R. Zeebe, G. Shaffer, L. Haynes, E. Thomas, J. Zachos, 2020. The magnitude of surface ocean
acidification and carbon release during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2) and the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal
Maximum (PETM), Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.
4. Rupert Sutherland, G. Dickens, P. Blum, C. Agnini, L. Alegret, J. Bhattacharya, A. Bordenave, L. Chang, J. Collot, M.
Cramwinckel, E. Dallanave, M. Drake, S. Etienne, G. Martino, M. Gurnis, D. Harper, H. Huang, A. Keller, A. Lam, H. Li,
H. Matsui, C. Newsam, Y. Park, K. Pascher, S. Pekar, D. Penman, S. Saito, W. Stratford, T. Westerhold, X. Zhou, 2018.
International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 371 Preliminary Report: Tasman frontier subduction initiation and
Paleogene climate, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports.
3. Maximillian Vahlenkamp, I. Niezgodzki, D. De Vleeschouwer, T. Bickert, D. Harper, S.K. Turner, G. Lohmann, P.
Sexton, J. Zachos, H. Pälike, 2018. Astronomically paced changes in deep-water circulation in the Western North Atlantic
during the Middle Eocene, Earth Planet. Sci Lett.
2. Dustin Harper, R. Zeebe, B. Hönisch, C.D. Schrader, L.J. Lourens, J. Zachos, 2018. Subtropical sea surface warming and
increased salinity during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2, Geology.
1. Joji Uchikawa, D. Harper, D. Penman, J. Zachos, R. Zeebe, 2017. Influence of solution chemistry on the boron content in
inorganic calcite grown in artificial seawater, Geochimica et Cosmochimica